Diversity and Inclusion among Employees


Human Rights Policy

JINS respects human rights and has established the Guidelines for Code of Ethics which, internally and externally, prohibit any activity that violates individual dignity, such as discrimination due to nationality, race, ethnicity, hometown, social status, religion, belief, age, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability and disease, which are specific to each and every individual, sexual harassment, behavior that may be deemed harassment by someone or other words and deeds which bring discomfort to someone else.

Harassment Prevention Regulations

JINS has established the Harassment Prevention Regulations to prevent workplace harassment (such as sexual harassment, power harassment, maternity harassment and SOGI harassment), determine rules to be observed by employees and measures for preventing harassment, and realize a pleasant workplace environment.

Medium-term Goals for 2030 and Progress

Ratio of Female Managers

Ratio of female employees/leaders

JINS is promoting the success of female employees as one of its diversity and inclusion initiatives, and has established the goal of increasing the ratio of female managers to 30% by 2030. We will further improve the workplace environment where female employees, who account for 50% of the entire workforce, can work comfortably, enhance support systems for childcare, family care etc., and implement support programs to develop female managers, thereby promoting the creation of various career paths for female employees.

Ratio of Childcare Leave Taken

Number of Employees Taking Childcare Leave and Short-time Employees and Ratio of Full-time Return from Childcare Leave

JINS has established a goal of 100% of childcare leave to be taken by both male and female employees by 2030 and is working to improve the environment to achieve this goal. In order to provide a comfortable workplace environment, it is also important to create an environment that facilitates the use of the childcare leave system, and we will strengthen our efforts to encourage the male employees to take childcare leave. 100% of female employees and 27% of male employees took childcare leave as of the year ended August 31, 2022.

Ratio of Foreign National Employees in Japan

Aiming to create an organization in which personnel with diverse values can play active roles regardless of nationality, JINS is hiring and supporting the success of foreign national employees and is aiming for 10% of employees in Japan be to foreign nationals by 2030. We are committed to fostering a workplace environment and culture where each employee feels that their humanity is respected, their presence is recognized, and they are welcome.


JINS is committed to providing a work environment in which employees with diverse values can work comfortably and maximize their individual abilities regardless of gender identity or sex orientation. To this end, we have been promoting environmental improvements based on the PRIDE Index, an evaluation index for LGBTQ (sexual minority) initiatives. As of the year ended 2022, JINS was certified as Silver, and in 2030, we aim to acquire Gold, the highest rank in the PRIDE Index.

Ratio of Employment of Workers with Disabilities

JINS has set a goal of achieving the ratio of workers with disabilities to be 150% of the statutory minimum to realize “a society in which diverse people can work under fair conditions.”
JINS norma CO., LTD., a Group company, aims to create a society where the disabled and able-bodied can live together without being distinguished from each other through a new agricultural management system where the disabled and able-bodied team up to farm together.
In the future, we will also actively promote the employment of workers with disabilities on a companywide basis. JINS’s goal is to enable employees with disabilities to utilize their unique strengths in a variety of workplaces and grow while feeling fulfilled in their work.


Systems to Promote Diversity

To create an environment in which diverse employees feel comfortable to work, JINS is implementing various initiatives to promote diversity, such as LGBT training, career training, and initiatives to help female employees succeed. JINS has also established a dedicated organization to promote diversity and promotes creation of an environment for generating new value by internalizing diverse values and ways of thinking through these initiatives.

Activities to Help Female Employees Succeed

Creating an Environment Where It Is Easy to Balance Work and Childcare

JINS is making various efforts to enable female employees to return to work without anxiety after they have children. We are working to develop a system that encourages female employees to return to work as a matter of course, and to further spread this culture, and establishing a support system so that the company can become a place where they feel comfortable to work while balancing work and childcare. As a result of our efforts to engage sincerely with targets and provide them with support with the aim of helping them resolve their concerns about having children and returning to work, we have achieved a 100% return ratio after childcare leave since 2020.

Ideal and Flexible Work System

JINS had introduced a flex workhours system for employees working at headquarters in 2018; however, the fixed core time was abolished in 2020 and we began operating the system as a super-flex workhours system to enable more flexible workstyles. The super-flex workhours system allows our employees with childcare and family care needs, as well as other employees, to work more flexibly and efficiently to suit their lifestyles, creating a more ideal work environment suited to individuals.

Female Managers Development Program

In order to create a workplace environment in which diverse human resources can play an active role, JINS has formulated the Plan of Action for General Employers and will systematically promote it in accordance with the Plan of Action. We have established the following goals in the Plan of Action, and, to achieve these goals, we will introduce career development support training and skill improvement training for each level for female employees, enhance the leave system in stores, and promote awareness raising for male employees to take childcare leave.

・Introduce career training for female employees and achieve a 60% participation rate for the target group
・Improve the average length of service for female employees to 80% of the average length of continuous service for male employees
・Achieve 7% or more of male employees taking childcare leave (100% achievement with goal for 2030)

Respect for Diversity in Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Conducting LGBT Training

As part of our efforts to promote diversity, we provide constant training to ensure that our employees have a deep understanding of LGBT (sexual minority) issues, recognize that they must accept all values in their work, and respect diversity in their daily work so that they can act accordingly. In the training, we encourage them to have knowledge about diversity and to be aware that they themselves have a role to fulfill.

Employment of Workers with Disabilities

Creating New Jobs for Workers with Disabilities

JINS has set up a relaxation room for employees at the head office so that they can relax and work efficiently during working hours. To this end, we have employed full-time visually impaired staff members who provide massage services. We also established JINS norma CO., LTD., a company where the disabled and able-bodied team up to farm together aiming to realize a new agricultural management system. JINS norma CO., LTD. has adopted a new way of operation, in which both the disabled and able-bodied farm together as a team, as members of the same team, to realize normalization, which is the origin of the company name, and to lead to the creation of new value.