Improvement of Working Environments in the Supply Chain
- Sustainability Home
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- Vision and Materiality
- Sustainability
Promotion System -
Consideration for the Environment
Improvement of Working Environments in the Supply Chain
Dependable Products and Service
Healthcare and Innovation
Social contribution
Sound governance
- External Evaluations
and Initiatives
Enriching the Lives of Those Who Work with JINS
JINS believes that, in planning, manufacture, and sales, the improvement of a working environment for employees working at headquarters and stores as well as in the supply chain is an important theme. Aiming to “Magnify Life” for those who work with JINS, we will strive to improve working environment throughout the supply chain while establishing various standards and policies with our business partners. In addition, we respect the human rights of all people working in the supply chain, and consider it our most important responsibility to ensure their physical and mental health, safety and security.
Diversity and inclusion among employees
- Human Rights Policy
- Harassment Prevention Regulations
- Ratio of Female Managers
- Ratio of Childcare Leave Taken
- Ratio of Foreign National Employees in Japan
- PRIDE Index
- Ratio of Employment of Workers with Disabilities
- Systems to Promote Diversity
- Main Initiatives
Occupational health and safety of employees and health and productivity management
- Guidelines for Code of Ethics for Employees
- Zero Serious Incidents at Group Companies in Japan
- Progressive Workstyles That Set Examples for Other Companies and Countries and Abolishment of Mandatory Retirement
- Main Initiatives
Development of human resources
- Policy on Development of Human Resources
- Engagement of Employees
- Main Initiatives
Human rights in the supply chain / labor management
- Labor policy/code of conduct in the supply chain
- Policy on Prevention of Slave Labor/Human Trafficking
- Policy on Prevention of Child Labor/Forced Labor
- Zero Serious Incidents in the Supply Chain/Continuous Monitoring of the Supply Chain and Full Elimination of Unfair Labor and Accidents
- Main Initiatives
Medium- to Long-term Goal
Companies, Regions, The Earth
Be a Place Where Each and Every Individual Can Shine with Different Personalities
Gender, nationality, and disability. Each of us can live and work as we are, without our individual intentions and characteristics being disregarded. As a company on this earth, we would like to continue to contribute to such a society. To achieve this, we must first pursue the happiness of all those who work at JINS. We are committed to fair opportunities for success and respect for human rights. We aim to be an organization where the concept of diversity and inclusion permeates throughout.
Diversity among employees
- 30% of managers to be female
- 10% of employees in Japan to be foreign nationals
- Acquire PRIDE Index Gold
- 100% of childcare leave to be taken for both men and female
- Ratio of workers with disabilities to be 150% of the statutory minimum
Occupational health and safety and satisfying workstyles
- Zero Serious Incidents at Group Companies in Japan
- Progressive workstyles that set examples for other companies and countries
- Abolish mandatory retirement (*mandatory retirement for certain positions to remain)
Development of human resources
- The ratio of employees with high productivity and engagement at 25%, eNPS-30
- Create a system for supporting social contribution activities of individual employees
- Develop in-house ventures that contribute to society
Human rights in the supply chain/ labor management
- Zero serious incidents in the supply chain
- Continuously monitor the supply chain and fully eliminate unfair labor and accidents
- Sustainability Home
- Top Message
- Vision and Materiality
- Sustainability
Promotion System -
Consideration for the Environment
Improvement of Working Environments in the Supply Chain
Dependable Products and Service
Healthcare and Innovation
Social contribution
Sound governance
- External Evaluations
and Initiatives