Main Activities

Creation of Employment for People with Disabilities at JINS norma

JINS norma CO., LTD. is a company that aims to realize a new form of agricultural management by teaming up with people with disabilities to do farm work. The word “norma” in JINS norma is derived from the word “normalization.” We adopted this name to express our desire to realize normalization through our business activities. Until around 2015 when JINS norma was established, generally people with disabilities were employed as workers, while those without disabilities were employed to support and manage them. At JINS norma, we are adopting a new way of operation where each person is a member of the same team and works together as a team to do farm work. We believe that creating teams composed of people with and without disabilities will lead to “normalization,” which is the origin of our company name.

Business Cooperation with OTON GLASS, Inc.

Oton Glass are a set of smart glasses designed for people who have difficulty reading, converting text to sound that is then played through an attached earpiece. It is developed and sold by OTON GLASS, Inc., which JINS supports.

Oton Glass expands ones’ ability to read text through eyewear, and enable each and every person to enjoy the world of reading and lead rich lives. JINS also shares this very same vision, and thus entered into a business partnership with them. Through this partnership, JINS supports Oton Glass in its meaningful, socially-conscious efforts so that more people can lead bright and fulfilling lives.

About Oton Glass, Inc.

Universal Manners Certification

In order to interact with the elderly and disabled with the right mindset and in the proper way, JINS employees have obtained the Universal Manners Grade 3 certification.
The Universal Manners were outlined by the Japan Universal Manners Association based in Osaka (Representative director: Toshiya Kakiuchi). They indicate how to be compassionate to those different from oneself, and how to provide help and support to them on the basis of sufficient understanding.
Aiming for accessible stores where the elderly and disabled can have a pleasant experience, JINS implemented Universal Manners in stores and among employees in hopes that this code of etiquette may spread even further.
The exam was taken by the CEO Hitoshi Tanaka, headquarters employees, and area leaders who manage stores in their assigned areas. They attended lectures and carried out group work to learn and understand the mindset advocated by Universal Manners, and the basics of interaction with the elderly and disabled.

About the Universal Manners Test

Discounts with Electronic Disability Certificate Linked with Mirairo Coupon

JINS has teamed up with Mirairo Inc., a company that supports the promotion of diversity in society, to offer a program that allows users of the Mirairo ID application for smartphones, which is for holders of a disability certificate, to receive discounts for people with disabilities by presenting a coupon. We are also working to provide comprehensive support to people with disabilities so that users can smoothly receive the support they need in stores.