Corporate Ethics and Compliance
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Code of Conduct (JINS Attitude)
These are the attitudes essential to realizing JINS vision, Magnify Life.
They underpin all the activities, bring clarity and coherence to what JINS does, and help JINS make the right business decisions.
Be progressive and don’t fear change. Not bound by convention, we should constantly take on new challenges.
You and I shall both excite the world. Let’s create new standards, together.
Inspire. With new products and services. With our individuality, passion, and ideas.
We should accept, understand, connect, and get others involved. Let’s be a source of joy and inspiration.
Be honest. Whether it’s customers, colleagues, communities, or the global environment, our business is derived from our relationships with others.
Breakthroughs are all born from empathy and sincerity. Make no compromises. Let’s become a brand that people can’t live without.
Ethical Code
Based on a resolution of the Board of Directors, JINS has established an Ethical Code of Conduct and Ethical Action Guidelines as the concrete operation and management system of the code of conduct, and compliance training is provided to all employees, including associate employees and part-time employees. The Ethical Code of Conduct is a guide for all employees to comply not only with international norms, the laws and regulations applicable in each country and region, and in-house rules in their daily activities, but also to act with responsibility in all of their activities both inside and outside the company.
Policy on Prevention of Corruption/Bribery
We have established a policy for preventing corruption and bribery in Article 8 “Sound Relationships with the Political World and Government” and Article 9 “Prohibiting Relationships with Organized Crime” of the Ethical Code of Conduct, and Guideline 2 “Fairness in Transactions with Business Partners” of the Ethical Action Guidelines, and we conduct audits based on the Ethical Code of Conduct.
Policy on Protection of Whistleblowers
JINS has established the Whistleblower Protection Regulations for protecting whistleblowers based on the Whistleblower Protection Act to build a system for appropriately handling consultation or reports from workers or other people about organizational and personal compliance violations and detect and correct misconduct in an early stage.
Tax Policy
Under the recognition that declaring and paying tax concerning business activities are social responsibility, JINS has been complying with laws and regulations in Japan and overseas and ensuring thorough and appropriate implementation of internal rules established. In addition, JINS aims to maximize cash flows and enhance corporate value by minimizing tax risks and carrying out appropriate tax planning. Based on these thoughts, the following tax policy has been set.
(1) Tax compliance
JINS complies with tax laws applied in countries and regions which it operates in and fulfill tax obligations. In addition, JINS operates business activities in accordance with OECD Guidelines, etc. It continuously monitors the trends of laws and regulations in each country, aiming to minimize tax risks caused by a change in the tax system. JINS does not use tax havens for the purpose of tax avoidance.
(2) Tax governance
At JINS, the Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing tax risks and the General Manager of Administration Division supervising the tax department serves as a general manager of tax affairs. When facing a tax problem, JINS has been striving to solve it in corporation with domestic companies in each country and of each subsidiaries and overseas subsidiaries as necessary. Problems deemed to be important are handled after reporting and resolution at the Board of Directors.
(3) Response to transfer price taxation
For transaction with foreign related parties, considering arm's length price, profits are allocated appropriately according to business risks between each country and each subsidiary and their functions and assets.
(4) Relationship with tax authorities
JINS builds transparent and sound relationships with the tax authorities in each country and region through sincere responses to requests from them by, for example, providing appropriate information. If there is a difference in opinion between the tax authorities and JINS, JINS makes efforts to solve problems through appropriate communication with the respective tax authorities.
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