When was the company established?
July 8th, 1988. Please check our history page for more details.
Tell me about the business activities.
The business of the company includes the planning, importation, and sales of eyewear and related products.
Please refer to the Group Businesses page for more details. -
Where can I find information about the products?
What is the basic approach for corporate governance?
What are the possible risks of JINS' business activities?
When was JINS' initial public offering (IPO)?
August 8th, 2006
What exchange does JINS stock trade on?
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market
What is JINS' stock ticker number?
How many shares have been issued in total?
What is the unit of trading for JINS stock?
Are there any shareholder incentive programs?
When is the record date for dividends?
August 31st
I want to learn more about JINS' dividend policy.
Recognizing that a mid- to long-term increase of shareholder value is its most important mandate, the Company pays out an interim dividend and a year-end dividend according to the performance of the first-half period and the second-half period, respectively, aiming for a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30%, with a basic policy to maintain sufficient retained earnings for supporting future business development as well as to provide continuous and stable dividend payouts for its shareholders.
Dividends from surplus of the Company are paid twice a year as an interim dividend and a year-end dividend as its basic policy. -
When is the annual general meeting for shareholders?
It is held in late November.
Who should I contact to change the registered name and address of my stock certificate(s)?
Please refer to the Basic Information page for contact information.
When is the JINS' fiscal period?
JINS' fiscal year runs until August 31st of each year.
See our IR calendar for information about release information, including our quarterly reports. -
Where can I find historical performance data?
Where can I find consolidated financial results and securities reports?
Please refer to the IR Library for consolidated financial results and securities reports.
Where can I find documents from financial results briefings?
Financial results briefings are held every half-year.Please see the IR Library for the relevant documents.
Where can I see recent recent business performance?
Please refer to the Domestic Monthly Overview or the IR Library.
Whom should I contact with questions about Investor Relations?
You can contact us from our Contact page.
Please understand that it may take several days to respond with a reply.