Stakeholder Engagement
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and Initiatives
Policies Related to Structure Development/Initiatives to Enhance Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders
In order to contribute to the sustainable growth of JINS and the enhancement of corporate value over the medium to long-term, JINS promotes constructive dialogue with shareholders to a reasonable extent. The Director in charge of IR oversees the general dialogue with shareholders and works to enhance dialogue by assigning IR personnel to the IR Division and working with related departments such as general affairs, accounting, and legal affairs of the Administration Division.
JINS comprehensively considers the wishes and interests of shareholders and investors, and holds individual meetings and telephone conference calls as necessary. Moreover, JINS takes other measures to enhance dialogue. For example, JINS holds financial results briefings every six months, at which management team explains JINS’s financial situation and management policy to shareholders and investors.
Disclosure Policy
Main Activities
General Meeting of Shareholders
JINS considers the General Meeting of Shareholders to be a valuable opportunity for dialogue with shareholders, and it is our policy to fully explain the agenda, the status of our business, issues to be addressed, and questions and answers, etc. The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of JINS is held at our head office in late November every year. In order to allow shareholders to fully consider the agenda for the General Meeting of Shareholders, we disclose the contents of the convocation notice on our website prior to sending the convocation notice. For those shareholders who are unable to attend the General Meeting of Shareholders, we also disclose the minutes of the General Meeting of Shareholders on our website after the general meeting.
Furthermore, as initiatives for revitalizing the General Meeting of Shareholders and facilitating the exercise of voting rights, since the 27th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2014, JINS has participated in the Electronic Voting Platform operated by ICJ, Inc. and allowed electronic exercise of voting rights.
Shareholder Returns
Recognizing that a mid- to long-term increase of shareholder value is our most important mandate, we have a basic policy to maintain sufficient retained earnings for supporting future business development as well as to provide continuous and stable dividend payouts for our shareholders. Although our basic policy used to be to pay a year-end dividend once a year, it has changed to a policy of paying twice a year as an interim dividend and a year-end dividend in order to enhance opportunities to return profits to the shareholders, and have decided to pay an interim dividend from the fiscal year ended August 31, 2021. Our Articles of Incorporation stipulate that we may, by resolution of the Board of Directors, pay interim dividends with a record date of the last day of February each year.
IR Activities
Investors Briefing sessions for analysts and institutional investors are held twice a year, once after the announcement of full-year financial results and once after the announcement of second quarter financial results. The briefing materials are immediately posted on the JINS IR website.
Financial information, timely disclosure information, annual securities reports, financial results briefing materials, materials from the General Meeting of Shareholders are posted on JINS website at the following URL.
Department in charge of IR have been established and IR personnel has been assigned.
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Promotion System -
Consideration for the Environment
Improvement of Working Environments in the Supply Chain
Dependable Products and Service
Healthcare and Innovation
Social contribution
Sound governance
- External Evaluations
and Initiatives